A Beginner's Guide to Starting Seeds Indoors!

In every seed, rests a plant just waiting for its moment to shine brightly in the warm sun. From this plant, come more seeds that return back to the soil, to begin the process all over again.

A Beginner's Guide to starting seeds indoors!
It is in this basic essence and connection of a plant, and the garden, that my passion for plants, and gardening, became firmly rooted.

New to the 'grows' of starting a bountiful, edible garden?

Simply looking for a few new tips to help start your garden seeds AND plants off on the right... garden path?

A Beginner's Guide to starting seeds indoors! 

Many vegetable garden seeds prefer to be started in the warmth of the indoors, be it the confines of the greenhouse (when available) or a brightly light, warm, dry space inside the house. This is where most seedlings will start the best!

With that being said, pre-planning is a very important aspect of every vegetable garden. If these seeds are not started early enough, your seed planting success plan will be turned into a complete waste of time.

Make sure to have your new veggie garden design, and plant list decided upon at least a couple months prior to planting in the garden, to give seeds ample time to grow!

There is a virtual 'web’ full of ways, and How To’s, for starting seeds and starting a garden. Let me keep it simple for you though... #1 You don’t need a costly, hi-tech seedling station. Sure, they are neat but totally unnecessary.

For those thinking more along the lines of getting down and dirty in the garden, these types of products take the fun out it!

A seed doesn't need much to sprout. Add a little water, some warmth, and within days, the crisp white tips of fresh seedling shoots will emerge from your once inanimate little seeds.

Every gardener has their own particular way and little tricks for starting seeds, despite the simplicity of the process. Whether seeds are starting in the humidity of a greenhouse, or the warmth and protection of the house, the same theories generally apply.

Whichever growing medium was chosen for starting the new seeds, this medium must be kept moderately moist and in a warm area for up to a month.

These are my favorite way of starting seeds indoors and a few little weeds of inspiration for keeping them growing strong till planting time arrives, outside!

How to start plants from seeds, indoors…

(Please be advised these directions apply to garden seeds NOT being sewn directly to the garden, these directions may vary from the way your particular seeds need to be started. All directions on your seed packaging should be followed, first and foremost!)

6 steps to starting the most sacred of garden seeds:

  1. Lay seeds inside a piece of folded paper towel, on a plate, dish, or anything that will hold moisture.
  2. Add a bit of water, enough to moisten the towel thoroughly.
  3. The tray can then be covered with a piece of clear wrap to keep the moisture in longer but is not necessary.
  4. Now that the seeds are ready to ‘bake’ for the next 7 - 14 days, find a warmish place to keep the seed plate safe and easily accessible till all your seeds have sprouted.
  5. Make sure to check on your itty bitty seeds daily! More water will have to be added to the plate as the towel dries out and new seedlings will have to be planted as they sprout. I try to make it a habit of checking on them once in the morning, and once in the evening.
  6. Your first little sprouts should begin to appear within three or so days… As the seeds sprout, each needs to be planted into the chosen seedling medium and kept in a clearly lidded container for another week or two. Again, it is extremely important to keep the growing medium moist and the growing environment humid, but by no means would you want to drown the new little guys!

Gardening tips to help your new seedlings thrive!

  • When planting several seeds at once, I find it is usually better to just get the job done and get the seeds into grow cubes of some sort, peat pucks, or loose starter mix, right into the seedling trays. The big bonus to using these grow pucks is the ease of use. Simply soak the cube, or puck, drop in a seed and wait for the new shoots to emerge. You are able to see immediately when new shoots have sprouted, or when none have sprouted at all. If a cube has dried out on one side you will be able to see and fix the problem immediately. No fussing about with a tray insert or having to dig around in the growing medium disturbing the new roots, simply to check on them.
    A Beginner's Guide to starting seeds indoors!
  • Whichever method you choose for starting the seeds for your greenhouse, garden, patio, or window sill, keep in mind the first two to three weeks of these new seedlings lives will be crucial! Here are some tips and tricks to consider before you get started, from my garden to yours!
  • Expect to be babysitting and tending, these babies, for up to three to four weeks (depending on the seeds you have planted).
  • Read planting directions provided on the seed packet before planting!
  • Keep a spray bottle, or handheld mister, close by at all times. This will be your best friend until these new seedlings get into their more permanent homes outside. Mist seedlings and containers daily to give your new little plants a breath of fresh air.
  • Make sure new seedlings trays are kept in a safe place, off concrete or cold floors, away from digging, curious, or chewing pets, and direct heat. For one, close proximity to a heat source will cause new seedlings to dry out more quickly; and secondly, many growing mediums are extremely flammable!  Regarding pests, I have lost entire runs of seeds to either a mischievous mouse or a vengeful cat. I still am not quite sure who is to blame...
  • Grow cubes need to be soaked prior to planting seed, seedlings, or cuttings.

Lastly… Keep Your Seed Sowing Simple!

I hope you have found some of the enclosed gardening tips and tricks for starting seeds and your next vegetable garden helpful, entertaining… and interesting.

Please feel free to share this post, or your own ideas, secrets, tricks, and tips for growing seedlings for the garden, via the comments below!

AND thanks for reading:)

A Beginner's Guide to starting seeds indoors!

Come check out Part 2 of our Seed Starting Special, Germinating Seeds in Style, for a handy collection of seed starting and gardening supplies you might be needing to begin YOUR first vegetable garden.

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