The Sprouts of A Garden, A Sprinkle of Historical Reflection.
My love for plants and gardening first began when I was a young child.
The miracle of a little shoot growing from a seed, the blades of grass popping up in the lawn and the delicate plant sprouts arriving in the garden every spring, was amazing to me.
From there, my respect, fascination, and admiration for everything Mother Nature provides for us, grew.
What a great way to share ideas and learn from the many talented and knowledgeable organic gardeners, landscape designers and home growing foodies there are around the world.
This atmosphere of knowledge available to green thumbs and fingertips of today is absolutely astounding! Bringing my love of writing into the equation, a garden blog just seemed inevitable.
The miracle of a little shoot growing from a seed, the blades of grass popping up in the lawn and the delicate plant sprouts arriving in the garden every spring, was amazing to me.
From there, my respect, fascination, and admiration for everything Mother Nature provides for us, grew.
Why blog about a garden?
Well, there are a few reasons. Garden. Plant. Grow. Eat sprouted from my concern with the food that we grow and eat.What a great way to share ideas and learn from the many talented and knowledgeable organic gardeners, landscape designers and home growing foodies there are around the world.
This atmosphere of knowledge available to green thumbs and fingertips of today is absolutely astounding! Bringing my love of writing into the equation, a garden blog just seemed inevitable.
I made a decision, about five years ago, that I was changing
the way I live. To cut a long story short, simplify. Find a garden, plant it, grow
our food, and ‘eat like queens’ of the olden day! Garden found, I quickly
realized there is so, so much still to learn!
Coming from a background of commercial landscaping and dry land plants, sure I know how to design and build gardens and landscapes. Landscaping plants, bedding plants, not a problem. Vegetables, a whole new bucket of worms, so to speak.
Coming from a background of commercial landscaping and dry land plants, sure I know how to design and build gardens and landscapes. Landscaping plants, bedding plants, not a problem. Vegetables, a whole new bucket of worms, so to speak.
Growing up in the ’80s and ’90s with processed food products
heavily on the rise, gardening and growing your food at home became a hobby,
more than a necessity for many.
I believe there is a huge generational gap in knowledge regarding how to grow the food we need to survive and the true value of the many 'products' that Mother Nature, herself, has to offer us.
We have come to a state of being completely reliant on the services and products available to us.
I believe there is a huge generational gap in knowledge regarding how to grow the food we need to survive and the true value of the many 'products' that Mother Nature, herself, has to offer us.
We have come to a state of being completely reliant on the services and products available to us.
Gardening knowledge from past generations must be preserved!
This natural, homegrown knowledge must continue to be
documented, shared, learned, and taught to our next generations, before it is
lost forever.
Just think back 100 years from now, to how life was for our
parents, grandparent or great-grandparents.
Grocery stores, Walmart, ordering organic food from the
internet, unheard of!
If they could only see us now, I wonder what they would